Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just a Dream

I wonder if she will notice me,
She would never fall for me,
Should I walk and pass her by?
I hope that I can catch her eye.

Should I go and talk to her?
She's standing in the far corner,
I need to look away,
I don't want to stare.

I'm walking over to her empty seat,
Don't be shy, don't look at your feet,
What do I say? Should I wait for her?
She won't talk to me, me courage is thin.

What is your name, would you like to dance?
Give me a smile, and give me your hand,
The lights grow dim, the music is soft,
She's everything that I am not.

She smiles at me as I walk her home,
We walk these streets, we're all alone,
We're on her porch, and she's on her toes,
She kisses me and she will never know.

My insides scream, and every part of me, 
wonders if I'll just, be a memory,
But as for now it begins to seem,
I'd still be in love, even if this is just a dream.

A Song. Fr.

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