Friday, June 5, 2009

It Figures it Would Rain on a Night like Tonight

The moon is barely breaking through
A prison of clouds,
The sky is looking down on a depressed town,
Without hope of escape,
The clouds form a new shape,
It figures it would rain on a night like tonight.

Cry clouds, for the gray world below,
For the hearts that were warm,
Now faintly glow,
Like the embers and ashes of fires foregone,
I held you for a second,
And then you were gone.

So here is the piece of your heart
That I am sure you will ask me for back.
If love is a battle, 
I'm finding myself under attack.
I'm gone, it's just how you wanted,
If I've never felt sorrow, I've stumbled upon it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Stick a Needle in My Eye

Across the room,
I (cross my heart)
Now I assume,
I (hope to die)
If I can't see you,
(Stick a needle in my eye)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Forever Is Still Long Enough

One day our lives may amend,
The phrase, "all good things come to an end."
Some day, while wondering in our world of hope,
We will remember the words that I wrote.

Because forever is still long enough.
The journey may be hard, the road may be tough.
But just because feelings changed,
Did not mean they went away.

One day, if our lives collide,
I want to say I enjoyed the ride.
That I could cast aside my pride,
And promised that I've never lied.

As far as the future is concerned,
The lesson that I have learned,
Is that most things are never for sure,
And most things can never be secured.

As far as the future is concerned,
One more lesson that I have learned.
Is that a past brought back from bridges burned,
Builds better from ashes that were undeserved.

Better Days

Fall asleep now,
We'll dream of better days,
Than the ones,
We have come to face.

Because lately I've fallen for,
The thoughts I can't ignore.
And I'm unable to enable
The feelings of my adored.

Through all my planning
I am so unprepared.
My understanding
Has become so impaired.

And while we sat there,
We were waiting to see,
If that night, was all we
Dreamed it would be.

So fall asleep now,
Under a familiar gaze,
Wait until morning to see,
If your memory of me fades.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vivid Image (new)

With no vivid image, or lips to kiss,
No hope of feeling more than this.
No tongue to speak, or quality to miss,
I'm now a memory because you're his.

With no vivid image, or hands to hold,
No struggle between the weak and bold.
No chance to talk, or time to think, 
Apologies composed without any ink.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Dancer

She dances through my mind,
After hope had run it's course,
After hope couldn't find,
The dancer standing on my porch.

She walked through the door,
To tables dressed in candle light,
Silence broken, but not ignored.
With her warm smiles and eyes bright.

With compliment after compliment,
I meant every word that I said,
I want to write her a new love story,
But one that will never end.

She glances to the side,
Uncomforatbly, I fumble my words,
Wonderfully, no expression can hide,
I want her to know all of me.

She dances through my mind,
Through my thoughts, into my words,
Crack a smile, my heart is signed,
By the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

A poem. Fr.

Just a Dream

I wonder if she will notice me,
She would never fall for me,
Should I walk and pass her by?
I hope that I can catch her eye.

Should I go and talk to her?
She's standing in the far corner,
I need to look away,
I don't want to stare.

I'm walking over to her empty seat,
Don't be shy, don't look at your feet,
What do I say? Should I wait for her?
She won't talk to me, me courage is thin.

What is your name, would you like to dance?
Give me a smile, and give me your hand,
The lights grow dim, the music is soft,
She's everything that I am not.

She smiles at me as I walk her home,
We walk these streets, we're all alone,
We're on her porch, and she's on her toes,
She kisses me and she will never know.

My insides scream, and every part of me, 
wonders if I'll just, be a memory,
But as for now it begins to seem,
I'd still be in love, even if this is just a dream.

A Song. Fr.