Sunday, December 28, 2008

Forever Is Still Long Enough

One day our lives may amend,
The phrase, "all good things come to an end."
Some day, while wondering in our world of hope,
We will remember the words that I wrote.

Because forever is still long enough.
The journey may be hard, the road may be tough.
But just because feelings changed,
Did not mean they went away.

One day, if our lives collide,
I want to say I enjoyed the ride.
That I could cast aside my pride,
And promised that I've never lied.

As far as the future is concerned,
The lesson that I have learned,
Is that most things are never for sure,
And most things can never be secured.

As far as the future is concerned,
One more lesson that I have learned.
Is that a past brought back from bridges burned,
Builds better from ashes that were undeserved.

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